Customers expect flawless experiences across devices and platforms. For developers and QA teams this means performance testing can no longer just happen at the end of each release cycle. Adopting a strategy of continuous performance testing is critical for meeting user expectations. The continuous performance testing provides constant feedback to identify and fix performance issues early. By making performance testing an ongoing activity across the development lifecycle teams can release higher-quality more resilient applications. Here are five compelling reasons why continuous performance testing needs to be part of your software delivery approach.

Detect Performance Regressions Quickly:

One of the biggest values of continuous performance testing is catching unexpected regressions right after new code changes are made. Often performance degradation creeps in unknowingly as new features get added. Without continuous testing these degradations remain hidden until load or stress testing starts much later in the release cycle.

When you integrate performance tests into the build process and execute them regularly any sudden dips in response times throughput or other metrics will be flagged immediately while changes are still fresh. Developers can then analyze the results identify the faulty areas and address them before proceeding further. This prevents small issues from accumulating and leading to big performance problems down the road.

Optimize Code Continuously:

While creating features developers may continuously improve their code thanks to continuous performance testing. Early and frequent testing during the coding sprints gives developers ongoing input on the scalability and efficacy of the code they’re writing. Any parts of the code that require performance optimization are quickly found.

In order to achieve faster processing and answers developers can take use of this tight feedback loop to change algorithms optimise database queries cache frequently needed data and make other enhancements. The focus will be on making the code faster with each iteration rather than on optimising it afterwards.

Spread Out Test Execution:

Running performance testing continuously distributes the load and overhead of test execution across the entire release cycle. In traditional testing models most tests happen right before release which can bottleneck pipelines. With continuous performance testing tests are executed a little at a time across multiple stages of development.

Spreading out test execution avoids last minute scrambles to meet testing needs before launch dates. It also prevents spikes in infrastructure demand from a sudden flood of test executions. Teams gain flexibility to scale test runs as needed across the cadence that works for them. Smooth test execution helps keep release plans on schedule.

Increase Coverage Iteratively:

When you focus on performance testing at the end, there is often insufficient time to execute all needed test cases and scenarios. By moving performance testing upstream you can significantly expand coverage by adding tests iteratively over multiple cycles.

With each code change developers and testers can increase performance test coverage for that section of the application. Over time you build up a comprehensive performance test suite capturing real world usage and edge scenarios. Broad test coverage leaves few corners of the app untested for performance flaws.

Promote a Culture of Performance:

Adopting continuous performance testing promotes a cultural mindset where performance is prioritized early across teams. Often performance is an afterthought instead of being built into development practices from the start. By integrating performance testing into commit and build processes it becomes ingrained in how teams operate.

To further instill a culture of performance teams should be empowered to own performance goals and improvements for their services. Leadership can demonstrate a commitment to performance by allocating resources like staffing, tools and training. Regular performance reviews and goal setting also reinforce the priority of performance. As teams see the benefits of a high performance culture through faster delivery time to reduced incidents,and improved customer experiences, it becomes a self-reinforcing cycle.

Performance data and post-incident analysis should be transparent to discourage finger-pointing and encourage collective ownership. A high performance culture values intelligent risk taking and learning from failures through a blameless post-mortem process. Collaboration between developers SREs and other stakeholders leads to more holistic performance improvements. Promoting a culture of performance ultimately enables an organization to achieve business goals like improved productivity, cost savings and customer loyalty. The cultural shift does take continual effort investment and leadership commitment over the long-term. However, the payoff can be transformational.


Performance is critical to application success and test automation company is essential to building performant software. By making performance testing an always on practice teams can find and resolve issues rapidly optimize code incrementally spread out test execution expand coverage iteratively and promote a culture of performance. Opkey is an enterprise grade test automation solution that provides performance testing. It allows non-technical users to easily create automated performance tests using a drag and drop interface. This bridges the gap between technical and non-technical teams. Opkey can maintain consistent quality across all application types by enabling performance and load testing for all use cases. It can reuse existing functional tests as performance tests with a single click eliminating the need to maintain separate tests and ensuring tests are always up to date. Opkey encourages collaboration between diverse teams through a single interface. Teams can quickly create performance tests capture results across browsers and rapidly examine application performance.

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