4 min read

NAS Drive Benefits

March 14, 2024
NAS Drive Benefits

Access has become paramount for us all. Accessing both local files and secure data from any number of institutions has become part of life. When it comes to our own files, whether they be personal or small business-related, storage becomes even more important.

That is where network-attached storage devices (NAS drives) come into play. While standard hard drives are typically just fine for moderate use in your home, there are many major benefits to moving to a NAS drive for small business and enterprising purposes.

Great Value:

While there are certainly other factors at play when purchasing NAS drives from a vendor like RS, there is always the matter of value. Though there is a lot of cool tech out there some of it can be quite expensive. Wherever value can be found it should be taken advantage of. If you run a small business that value becomes even more critical. As it turns out using NAS drives provides tremendous bang for your buck when it comes to data storage and backup capabilities. It is something of an all in one device that allows for data storage connecting multiple users managing multimedia files and so much more.

Simplifying Server Setup:

Businesses may assume that the only way to connect multiple users and provide easy access is through a server installation. That said servers can be quite cumbersome in terms of size and very expensive when all is said and done. That is why NAS drives are much more practical especially for smaller businesses or home office setups.

Setting up a NAS drive is simpler, cheaper, and far less frustrating. If anyone wants to connect multiple users and create simple file access, NAS devices are the way to go. They often have a web-based interface that can be used simply. They set up quickly and managing access can be done quickly, allowing minimal interruption and a much better use of time.

Data Protection:

Data makes the world go ‘round. Being able to access that data on a regular basis is how we get things done and it is a must for businesses big and small. Even if there are no software issues at play, things can come up and accidents can happen. Physical damage to drives happens enough that it remains a regular hazard. When physical damage happens, it can mean an inability to access the files within.

Thankfully, NAS drives offer a physical backup of sorts. Each NAS drive has multiple hard drives within. While smaller devices come with a pair of drives, they can be equipped with as many as five hard drives. Should one become damaged or fail, it can be replaced without ever compromising the data within. It functions in much the same way that a full server would, but without the physical restrictions, costs, and hassles that would otherwise be part of the territory.

Automated Backups:

Anything can happen even with the most reliable of devices. Failure happens enough that it has to be considered, which is why backing up your files is so critical. One of the key aspects of using NAS drives is the fact that there is constant data backup happening all the time. The device itself can be configured to perform automated backups at regular intervals.

By having regular backups, there is an almost zero chance that your small business will lose critical data. It is possible to revert back to a prior save point, accessing documents, folders, and other files once again. Even better, some NAS devices will show any changes that have been made to folders and documents when they are made.

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